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Holy Bible
A non-denominational, nonsectarian
work-in-progress; a chronological history of the book that is the world’s most
widely printed and published work; the focus here is historical, with no
attempt to judge theological superiority of one version over another;
Topics covered include:
-unique & significant editions
-historical milestones
-Bible Societies
Pre-15th Century 15th Century 16th Century 17th Century
18th Century 19th Century 20th Century 21st Century
The Holy Bible
· comprised of sixty-six books, not counting the Apocrypha
· The word bible was first applied to the Hebrew scripture in the 2nd Century A.D.
· The word bible has been used for the combined Old and New Testaments since the fifth century A.D.
· The word bible does not occur in
the text of the Scriptures
· A Codex is a leaf book invented and used first by the Romans, as distinguished from a roll or scroll
· The Books of Moses are also known as the Pentatuech, or the Law, regarded as authoritative about 400 B.C.
· 200 A.D. The New Testament was generally accepted as scripture
· In 367 A.D. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, listed the twenty-seven books which have been held as authoritative to this day
· The Apocrypha's fourteen books have
not been included in the Protestant Bible since the Nineteenth Century
· The Old Testament was first written
down in Hebrew and Aramaic; The New Testament in Greek
· The Old Testament’s 39 books are divided into 929 chapters of
23,214 verses (Apocrypha not included)
· The New Testament’s 27 books are divided into 260 chapters of
7,959 verses
· The Bible was divided into chapters by Cardinal Hugo
de Sancto-Caro about 1250
· The Greek New Testament was divided into verses by
Robert Stephens, a French printer, in 1551
· Up to the end of 1961 the American Bible Society had
distributed over 592,000,000 copies of the scriptures
· Robert Aitken of Philadelphia printed the first English Bible
in America in 1782 with the approval of the Congress
· Christopher Sauer of Germantown, Pa., printed the first Bible
in America in a European language (German) in 1743
· Glossing or a gloss refers to a literal word-by-word rendering into a
second language, preserving the order of the first.
· The first Bible in America was printed in 1663 – a translation into the Massachusetts Indian language by John Eliot
This website was originally conceived to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the printing of the 42-line Vulgate Bible by Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of movable type. The November 18, 1950 edition of the Antiquarian Bookman Magazine reported that by the end of 1950 (the 500th anniversary of Gutenberg's invention), over two billion Bibles and parts of bibles will have been printed, with 25 million more being added each year. At this rate, the total number of bibles printed by the year 2008 will exceed four billion copies, in thousands of languages and editions. This makes the Bible the first and undisputed best-seller of all time and no other book is likely to take its place.
Learn more about the Gutenberg Bible census.
Adams, Randolph G. America's First Bibles; from The Colophon, New Series, Vol. 1, No.1, Summer, 1935.
Ruth Elizabeth. Three Centuries of
Thumb Bibles: A Checklist. (NY & London) Garland Pub. Co. 1980.
Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial” (Brooklyn)
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of NY. 1990.
American Book Prices Current (ABPC).
Antiquarian Bookman. Gutenberg Bible Census and Bible History. 1950.
Astruc, Jean. Conjectures sur les memoires originaux; (1753)
Laura Armstrong. Your Bible. The Graded Press, 1949. Paperback, 112 p.
Georges. The Formation of the Bible: History of the Sacred Writings of the People of
God. (St Louis) B Herder. 1963, Hardcover. 386p
Willis (ed.). The Other Bible.
(NY) Harper & Row, 1984, First Edition. 740 p., including bibliography.
Roland; Schad, Robert O. Great Books In Great Editions. (San Marino)
Huntington Library, 1973. 4th Prtg.
Belcher, Joseph. The Religious Denominations in the United States. (Phila.) John E. Potter, 1864, Revised Edition.
Benet, William Rose. Benet's Readers Encyclopedia (NY) HarperCollins, 1996. Fourth Edition.
Editions and Versions, The Journal of the International Society of Bible
Collectors. www.biblecollectors.org
Blumenthal, Walter Hart. Bookmen's Bedlam: An Olio of Literary Oddities. (Freeport) Books For Libraries Press, 1969.
Museum Guide . Manuscripts and
Printed Books Exhibited in Celebration of the Tercentenary of the Authorized
Edition. 1911
Charles. A Theological Dictionary. (Philadelphia) Joseph J. Woodward.
Walter. Romanesque Bible Illumination. (Ithaca) Cornell University Press,
1982, First Ed. 304p., incl. Index.
Cambridge History of the Bible. (Cambridge) University Press. 1970.
Carson, D.A. The
King James Version Debate: A Plea For Realism. (Grand Rapids) Baker Book House,
1979. pb, 123p.
Chamberlain, William J. Catalog
of English Bible Translations. (Westport)
Greenwood Press, 1991.
Comfort, Philip W.
The Complete Guide To Bible Versions. (Wheaton) Living Books,
1991. pb, 145p., plus ads.
Copinger, Walter A. Incunabula
Biblica. (London) Bernard Quaritch, 1892.
Copinger, Walter A. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium
Bibliographicum . London, 1985-1902. 3
Corns, A.R. & Sparke, A. A Bibliography of Unfinished Books in the
English Language. (NY) Burt Franklin. Reprint of 1969.
Crane, Frank. The
Lost Books of the Bible. (NY) Alpha House, 1926; 293p.
Darlow, T.H. and Moule, H.E. Historical
Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the
British and Foreign Bible Society. (London) 1903-11,
BFBS. Reprinted in four-volume set by Maurizio
Dearden, Robert R. Jr. The Guiding Light On The Great Highway. (Philadelphia) John C. Winston, 1929. First Edition.
De Hamel, Christopher. The Book. A History of the Bible. (London) Phaidon Press. 2001. First Edition.
De Hamel, Christopher (intro.) Hidden Friends: The Comites Latentes Collection... (London) Sotheby's, 1985. Exhibition Catalog
Dewey, David. A User's Guide To Bible Translations. (Downers Grove) InterVarsity Press. 2004 4th Prtg.
Dominick, Mabel A. The Bible and The Historical Design. (Norwood) Plimpton Press. 1936. First Ed.
Dore, J.R. Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible. (London) E&S. 1888. 2nd Ed.
J.W. The
Holy Bible and The Law. (NY) Oceana Publications, Inc., 1962. First Edition
Ehrman, Bart D. Lost Scriptures: Books That Did Not Make It Into the New Testament. 2003 (NY) Oxford University Press, 8vo, First Edition. 342p.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. (London) 1910. Eleventh Edition.
Jack. Handbook
of Biblical Chronology. (Princeton) Princeton University Press, 1964. First
Edition, 338p., w/index.
A.; Gastberger, C. In The Beginning
Was The Word: The Power and Glory of Illuminated Bibles (Köln) Taschen.
Lewis. Selecting a Translation of the Bible. (Cincinnati)
Standard Publishing, 1978; Stapled wraps, 8vo, 76p.
Richard Elliott. Who
Wrote The Bible?
(NY) Summit Books, 1987. Paperback Edition. 299p.
James A. (ed.) A Bibliographic Description of the
Editions of the New Testament Tyndale's Version in English. (London)
Sotheran, 1878, First Edition.
Frank E. Down Through The Ages: The
Story of the King James Bible. (NY) MacMillan, 1925. 12mo, 106p., including
Gameson, Richard (ed.) The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration and Use. Cambridge University Press, 1994
Elisabeth. Johannes Gutenberg; Vom Bleibuchstaben zum Computer. (Bad
Godesberg) Inter Nationes, 1968; wraps.
Edgar J. How To Read The Bible. (Philadelphia) John C. Winston, 1946.
First Edition. 244 p.
Soviet Encyclopedia (Bol’shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia) Third Edition
English translation, 1973. (NY) MacMillan.
Greenhood, David and Gentry, Helen. Chronology of Books & Printing. (NY) MacMillan, 1936. Revised Ed.
Grierson, Sir Herbert. The English Bible. (London) Collins, 1947. Third Impression
Gutjahr, Paul C. An American Bible. (Stanford) Stanford Univ. Press. 1999. First Edition
Anne Lyon. Banned Books. (NY
& London) R.R. Bowker, 1970. Third Edition.
L. Repertorium Bibliographicum. Stuttgart, 1826-38. 4 Vols.
Henry W. The Evolution of the English
Bible…Cornell University Library, 2009. a reprint.
Handover, P.M. Printing In London: From Caxton to Modern Times (Cambridge) Harvard University Press, 1960. 1st Ed.
Robert T. A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada.
(NY) Oxford Univ. 1977.
Herbert, A.S. Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible, 1525-1961. (London) BFBS. 1968.
Dr. J.H. (ed.). The Pentateuch and Haftorahs (London) Soncino Press.
5718-1958. One-Vol. Ed. 17th Imp.
G. Winfred. The
Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands. (St Louis) Chancy
R. Barns, 1886.
Christopher. The English Bible and
the Seventeenth Century Revolution. (London) Allen Lane, 1993.
Hills, Margaret T. (ed.) The English Bible in America: A Bibliography…(1777-1957). (Mansfield Centre) Martino Fine Books.
Hindman, S.; Farquhar, J. D. Pen To Press: Illuminated Manuscripts and Printed Books... (College Park) Univ. of Md. 1977
Holy Bible, 1878. Holman Edition.
Hunt, C.C. (compiler). Masonic Concordance: A Comprehensive Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, Showing Especially the Relation of the Bible to the History, Symbolism and Teachings of Freemasonry. World Publishing, 1948.
Il Libro Della Bibbia: Esposizione di Manoscritti... (Vatican) Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MCMLXXII.
Janet. Johann Gutenberg and his
bible: A Historical Study. (NY) The Typophiles. 1988, First Edition.
Werner. The Bible As History: A
Confirmation of the Book of Books. (NY) William Morrow, 1956.
Kubo, Sakae; Specht, Walter. So Many Versions? (Grand Rapids) Zondervan. 1979, Fifth Printing.
James L. The Bible As
It Was (Cambridge, MA) Harvard University Press,
1997. First Edition.
Larson, Charles M. By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus: (Grand Rapids) Institute For Religious Research, 1992, Rev. Ed.
Leary, Lewis. The Book-Peddling Parson. (Chapel Hill) Algonquin Books. 1984. First Edition.
Hellmut. The Book in America.
(NY) R.R. Bowker. 1952. Second Edition.
Peter. The English Bible From Wycliff to William Barnes, 1534-1859. (London) Constable, 1974. First Edition.
Frank Grant. How The Bible Grew. (Chicago) Univ. of Chicago Press, 1919.
Second Impression.
Immanuel. The Growth of the Pentateuch: A
Literary, Sociological and Biographical Approach. (NY) Bookman Associate,
1955; 288p.
MacGregor, Geddes. The Bible in the Making. (London) John Murray. 1961, First UK Edition.
Clyde L. A History of Christianity In
The World. (Englewood Cliffs) Prentice-Hall, 1985, 2nd Edition.
Mansoor, Menahem (ed.) The Book and the Spade: A Guide to Biblical Archaeology. (Madison) 1975. Third Revision.
Robert J. Joseph
Smith's Translation of the Bible.
McClure, A. Translators Revived: A Biog. Memoir of the Authors of the KJV. (Worthington) Maranatha. Reprint.
McMurtrie, Douglas C. The Golden Book. (NY) Covici-Friede, 1927.
Merrill, Eugene H. An Historical Survey of the Old Testament. (Grand Rapids) Baker Book House, 1998. Second Ed.
Bruce M. The Text of the New Testament (NY/London) Oxford University
Press, 1964.
Paul D. A Brief History of
Our English Bible. Privately Printed for use in Northfield
Seminary. 1908.
Nettleton, Joseph. John Hunt, Pioneer Missionary and Saint. (London) Charles H. Kelly, 1904.
Edgar. An Outline of Anglo-American
Bible History. (London) B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1958, First Edition
Edgar A. A Panorama of the English Bible. Bashy Heath,
Hertfordshire, UK, 1964, First Edition. 8vo, 74p.
Vrej. The Bible in The Armenian
Tradition. (London) The British Library. 2001.
Adam. God’s
Secretaries: The Making of The King James Bible. (NY)
HarperCollins, 2003. First Ed.
O.M. The Translated Bible 1534-1934. (Philadelphia) United Lutheran Pub.
House. 1934.
Don Cleveland. The 500th
Anniversary Pictorial Census of the Gutenberg Bible. (Chicago) Coverdale Press, 1961.
Eric M. The Book of A Thousand Tongues.
(NY) American Bible Society. 1939. 4to; 386p.
E.B. List of Editions of the Scriptures
Printed in America. (Albany) 1861.
Ohlhausen, Sidney K. The American Catholic Bible in the Nineteenth Century. McFarland & Co. 2006. isbn 0786424915.
Orcutt, William Dana. The Kingdom of Books. (Boston) Little, Brown & Co., 1927. Second Impression, Trade Edition.
Harry M. (ed.) The Biblical Antiquities of Philo. (NY) KTAV Pub. House,
Jaroslav Jan. Whose
Bible Is It?: A History of the Scriptures Through The Ages. (NY) Viking, 2005.
First Edition.
Jaroslav Jan. The Reformation of the Bible: The Bible of the
Reformation. (New Haven) Yale.
M. Catalogue Gėnėral des
incunables des Bibliothèques Publiques
de France. Paris, 1897-1905. Two Vols.
James Constance. Bibliography of the
Algonquian Languages, BAE Bulletin 13. (Washington, DC) Smithsonian
Institution, Bureau of Ethnology, 1891.
Price, Ira Maurice. The Ancestry of Our English Bible. (Philadelphia) Sunday School Times Co. 1923. Eighth Ed.
Warwick, James. The One Book. (Chicago) John C. Winston. 1928.
R. An Index to the Early Printed Books in The British Museum. London,
1898-99. 2 Vols.
R. The Printing of Greek in the XVth Century. Oxford, 1900.
Edwin A.R. America’s First Bibles: With a Census of 555 Extant Bibles (Mansfield
Centre) Martino Pub.
Edwin A.R. Rare
Bibles: An Introduction for Collectors and a Descriptive Checklist. (NY) 1954.
Russell, D.M. Between the Testaments. (Philadelphia) Muhlenberg Press, 1960. First Edition. Hardcover, 176p. Apocalyptic literature between the old and new test testaments.
William. History of The People Called
Quakers. (Phila.) Uriah Hunt, 1832; New Edition. Two Vols.
Shailor, Barbara A. The Medieval Book...at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. (New Haven) Yale Univ. 1988
John; Van Kampen, Kimberly. The Bible
As Book: The Manuscript Tradition. (London) The British Library. 1998.
Sheppard, L.A. The Printers of the Coverdale Bible, 1535. Bibliographical Soc., Vol XVI, No. 3. Dec. 1935.
Silver, Rollo G. The Beginning of Electrotyping in America, from Journal of Printing Historical Soc., No. 10 1974/75 (London)
P. Marion. The Bible In
America: Versions That Have Played Their Part… (NY)
Wilson-Erickson, 1936.
C.H. Commenting and Commentaries: A
Reference Guide to Book Buying. (Grand Rapids) Kregel, 1954. Revised Ed.
John. John Wyclif and Reform. (Philadelphia) Westminster Press. 1964, First
Edition. 169p., including index.
Krister (editor). The Scrolls and the New
Testament. (NY) Harper & Brothers, 1957. 308p., including notes and
Henry. The
Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition
MDCCCLXXVII. (London) Henry
Stevens, 1878.
Kenneth A. Early
Low-German Bibles. (Grand Rapids) William B. Eerdmans, 1967. First
William. The Making of the Bruce Rogers Bible. (Cleveland and NY) World
Publishing, 1949, First Edition.
John. A History of Book Publishing in the United States 3-Vols. (NY)
R.R. Bowker. 1972.
Isaiah. The History of Printing In
America. (NY) Weathervane Books, 1970. Reprint of the 1810 Edition.
Thompson, Erwin N. Whitman Mission National Historic Site. (Washington, D.C.) National Park Service, 1964.
Thomas L. Mythic Past:
Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel. (NY) MJF Books,
1999. 1st Edition.
Thomson, John. Hither and Thither: A Collection of Comments on ... Bookish Matters. (Phila) George W. Jacobs & Co., 1905.
Thorpe, James. The Gutenberg Bible. (San Marino) Huntington Library. 1999, Second Edition.
P.J. In
Discordance With The Scriptures: American Protestant Battles Over Translating
the Bible.
(NY) OUP, 2002.
William B. The
Gutenberg Bible. New Evidence of the Original Printing. Hanes Foundation,
Turner, Cuthbert H. The Study of the New Testament, 1883 and 1920. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1926. Third Edition in wraps. 72p., plus addenda.
Washburn, J.N. The Contents, Structure and Authorship of the Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City) Bookcraft, 1954. 1st Ed.
Stanley. The General Guide to Rare Americana. (Philadelphia Stanley
Wemyss. 1950. 8vo. 323p.
Laura. Romance of the English Bible. (NY) Doubleday, Doran & Co.
George Parker. John
Gutenberg: A Lecture. (Chicago) The Lakeside Press, 1940. 8vo, flexible
hardcover. One of 100 copies. 38p.
Winterich, John T. Early American Books & Printing. (NY) Dover, 1981. Reprint of 1935 Houghton-Mifflin Edition.
Edwin II (compiler) Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach
(introduction) A Descriptive
Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts
in the Free Library of Philadelphia.
(Philadelphia) The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1937, Limited Edition.
H.T.W. Changes in the English Language: Between the Publication of Wiclif’s
Bible and that of the Authorized Version. (London) Macmillan, 1870. First
Peter J. Spreading
The Word: The Bible Business in Nineteenth Century America. (Ithaca) Cornell
Univ. Press, 1994.
Wright, John. Early Bibles of America. Martino Pub. 1894. Third Edition.
Wright, W. Curious Bibles. Leisure Hour periodical. Mid 1890’s.
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